Strafford Nutrition & Meals On Wheels
Serving Meals on Wheels to the older adults of Strafford County since 1973.
Serving Meals on Wheels to the older adults of Strafford County since 1973.
Strafford Nutrition & Meals on Wheels' mission is to promote the well-being of the elderly and disabled adults of Strafford County by providing services to foster independence in their own home and to prevent or delay the need for institutional care. Through the provision of hot nutritious meals in home or community settings, daily safety checks, nutrition education, and nutritional assessments SNMOW will promote physical and emotional health, protect their quality of life, and aide in the social and economic needs of the elderly and disabled.
We couldn't do what we do without the help of supporters like you. Our donors, volunteers, and friends who share our work, are crucial to our mission. Your support helps make a difference in the lives of individuals in your community.
Your generous gift will help us ensure that our community's seniors are well fed. Together, we can make a difference.