Enjoy lunch with others by coming to one of our three Senior Dining facilities. At our Senior Dining Centers adults 60+ enjoy a healthy lunch, relax with the company of others, and if you wish, participate in other activities, including volunteering! It is simple to make a reservation just give us a call at (603) 692-4211.
If you find eating well is difficult, especially due to a physical impairment keeping you housebound; maybe a home delivered meal would help. Our meals are freshly prepared each day and are delivered by our friendly and trusted staff member.
Because eligibility varies from program to program, please contact our Outreach Coordinator at 603-692-4211 for more information and to apply for assistance.
The average cost of each meal provided ranges from $6.25 - $9, depending on the program. We kindly ask that participants make a donation of $3 per meal to help offset some of these costs. This is just a recommendation and NOT a requirement.