In the 1960's, Congress created the Older American Act (OAA) to provide funding to help seniors maintain maximum independence and quality of life as they age. With this goal in mind, Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels was created and has been operating in Strafford County since 1973. For many years SNMOW was administrated under the Somersworth Housing Authority, but in 2014 SNMOW became an independent 501C3 nonprofit agency.
Today, Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels (SNMOW) is dedicated to the health and well-being of Strafford County's older and disabled adult populations. With over 50 years in operation, we pride ourselves in our commitment to a person-centered approach. From intake on, we take care to work with each individual's specific needs, tailoring our plan to each individual.
Our meals are much more than just a meal. Our drivers are often the only person some of our participants see throughout the week. They deliver a hot meal, but also symbolize safety for many of our participants, as they know somebody will be coming to check in on them. When an individual does not answer the door, we follow necessary steps to ensure their safety and well-being before moving on. In addition to security, our drivers provide our participants with the feeling of connection and companionship. While our visits may be short, many of our drivers have formed very special bonds with those they deliver to, a vital step in breaking down the feeling of loneliness they may otherwise feel.
At Strafford Nutrition we operate under three core values to our service - care, compassion, and commitment. We take care in everything we do from planning a nutritious and appetizing menu, to developing efficient and cost effective delivery routes. We believe we have an obligation to both the people served and to those who support us to make this program a success. Compassion is also a critical part of our daily service. Many of our clients are dealing with a wide variety of health issues that are compounded by limited resources because of this we must take a compassionate approach to ensure we are showing them respect and allowing them to keep their dignity. And Commitment, this agency has been dedicated to our mission since our inception in 1973 and will continue to work hard towards supporting the elderly and disabled adults of our communities.
With every meal served each individual is provided with the basic nutritional needs to promote a healthy dietary intake necessary to improve or maintain physical health. Equally important is the social contact that comes with each meal helping reduce the risk of social isolation, promoting an emotional well-being which ulimtate can impact a person’s physical well-being.
Although Nursing Homes may be an inevitable outcome for some individuals, they are a costly option for the individuals, their families, and their communities. For a lot of elderly, nursing homes aren’t a necessity if some basic services are available. Meals on Wheels agencies provide a cost-effective alternative that gives an individual the ability to remain safely in their homes, where they wish to be. The ability to receive some basic assistance allowing someone to remain independent in a familiar setting can greatly improve their quality of life.
Too often our elderly will choose to go without some basic necessities in order to remain in their own home because of financial constraints. We all have heard of people having to choose between things like food, medication, or heat. The availability of Meals on Wheels reduces the risk of our elderly having to make these choices that have both an physical and mental impact on their well-being.