We work hard to raise enough money each year to provide this service to Strafford County residents. We receive a partial reimbursement (about 65% of the cost) for a limited number of meals from our Federal/State contracts. The rest we raise through support from communities, families, clientele, grants, etc. As there is no one source that will cover the cost of a meal it requires a lot of effort to pull enough resources together to pay for each meal served.
We serve all 13 communities of Strafford County. This includes: Barrington, Center Strafford, Dover, Durham, Farmington, Gonic, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, Milton Mills, New Durham, Rochester, Rollinsford, Somersworth, and Strafford.
Our menu is planned by a nutritionist and each meal is designed to meet 1/3 the daily nutritional requirements. A daily menu usually includes an entree, two servings of vegetables/fruits, bread, dessert, and milk. The meals are prepared fresh daily and follow low sodium and sugar content recipes. However, we offer the following accommodations to help you meet your specific diet restrictions:
• Diabetic restrictions – meals include 15 milligrams (or less) of sugar in the dessert and no more than three bread exchanges.
• Lower sodium diet- menus are planned to be 1,200 milligrams (or less) of sodium. Gravies are necessary to help keep food hot and moist during transport to your home and are prepared with low sodium soup bases.
• Ground or Pureed meals are available for those of you who have texture restrictions.
• Lactaid can be provided for those with lactose issues.
If the weather conditions are unsafe for our drivers to be out delivering, there will be a closing notice on Channel 9 News and our Facebook page. When these situations arise we ask our clients to use one of the Blizzard Bag/Storm Packs we have provided you for that day. Replacement Blizzard Bags/Storm Packs are delivered shortly after a closing has occurred.
Our meal sites currently operate Monday – Friday with provisions for higher need clients for the weekends. We do observe the following holidays: New Year's Day, Civil Rights Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
We asked for a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. Donations play a critical role in our ability to provide this service. So whether you have the ability to give more or less than the suggested donation, please remember ever penny counts!
Please contact the Administration office at (603) 692-4211 as soon as possible preferable 24 hours in advance. We want to be flexible, but we need to reduce wasting meals, mileage, and staff time. Especially for those of you who receive meals at home, when your deliverer does not find you at home, we become concerned for your safety and are required to take steps to verify your safety. So, please, make sure you notify us if you will be away.
All our staff undergo a background check before they are hired. Your safety and well being are of great concern to us, and all attempts are made to not only assure your trust and safety, but also to employee professional caring employees whose utmost goal is to provide you with great friendly service
Contact us and we will guide you. We can be reached through the contact link on our home page or by emailing Admin@SNMOW.org or calling (603) 692-4211.
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